About IDS Monitoring

Our History
After spending a number of years working as a research fellow at the Centre for Environmental Informatics and then as head of the Irish National Oceanographic Data Centre at the Marine Institute, John established Marine Informatics in 1996 and that was the beginning of what is the IDS Monitoring Team today. In 1997, less than one year after setting up, our team deployed its first two real-time data buoys off the South West of Ireland for the purpose of ground truthing ocean-colour satellite data. Since then our systems have evolved into a mature stable technology that has been deployed on more than 300 data buoys and hundreds of other platforms in more than 20 countries. Key IDS team members and many of our technology partners have been working together with IDS since the beginning and this is one of the key reasons why an IDS solution is a better option.
Where we are going next
IDS will continue to build our capacity to deliver robust solutions for harbour, coastal and traditional offshore projects and in addition we will significantly expand our services for the Offshore Wind Sector. In 2012 the IDS team deployed its first monitoring systems on a wind farm and in 2018 we began working on our first LIDAR system design. In 2020 we built our MK-I DB300L floating LIDAR test system and shortly after wards began work on what is our production Mk-II solution. IDS is now beginning its programme to build our first 20 floating LIDAR platforms with plans to significantly grow our global fleet every year between now to 2024.
IDS and Green Rebel Marine
In 2020 IDS and Green Rebel Marine began discussions and from the outset it was clear that there was a perfect synergy with aligned ambitions. The discussions that followed culminated in IDS joining the Green Rebel Marine Group and IDS is now the MetOcean and Water Quality Division of the Group. The team at IDS work closely with an ambitious, well resourced, like-minded Group management team and GRM now serves as
The single point of contact for all Marine Data Requirements.